Photostory #464: A Lively Canadian: Town of Toronto

John Reeves
National Film Board of Canada
Release Date
March 12, 1968
CMCP fonds
Credit Line
Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography fonds, National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives
Main Text
Internationally-famed artist Harold Town (his work is hung in the art centres of the world) is one of Canada's most valuable, most natural resources. Not only is his work considered of great universal value but his flamboyant, outgoing personality is worth its weight in solid-gold ornamented chandeliers for the sparkling effect it has wherever and whenever he makes the cultured or plebian scene. For here is no ultra-sensitive, inward-turned, pale-faced ascetic of a painter praying in some obscure garret for posthumous recognition. Here is a truly mortal man of the arts who thumped and kicked at the door of success and now, with it firmly won, has clasped it exhuberantly to his bosom and is dancing a merry tune around the ballroom of often staid and serious Canada to the plaudits of the crowd. Harold Town - painter, sculptor, writer, hypochondriac, critic at large, party-goer, designer, husband and father of two, Canadian and Canada lover, Christmas-tree decorator supreme, egoist and entertainer - is the type of artist that Toronto, Canada and the world can heartily enjoy. For Town is a man who can accept, savor and profit by success, act well his hard-earned role, produce his fine creative works by honest toil, disdain the lunatic fringe of the art world and be entered clearly on the nation's book of accounts. Canada, rich in so many ways, is richer for the work and person of artist Harold Town.